what was the project?
We were working on a color wheel as the project. The color wheel had the primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors. We used Illustrator to make the wheel. Most of us were finish on time, but some like me, were finish late.
what did I learn?
Things I've learned on Illustrator is that it is important even though it does not seem so. Another thing will be that you have to be creative about the things you make. I'm already creative so I'm good on that part. Not everything has to be perfect, but at he same time, make it look good.
How did I do?
I feel like a did alright for a first time. Of course there is always a way I can get better. I should try to be faster on it but at the same time, don't rush it. I do feel like I can use this in my future for a job. once I'm good at video, graphic design, and animation, I'll be creating great things for others to enjoy watching.